Naturopathic Medicine


Naturopathic Medicine includes the assessment of diseases and disorders and the treatment of these dysfunctions using naturopathic techniques to promote healing, maintain optimal health, or support the restoration of health. Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are licensed healthcare providers that use natural therapies based in evidence and traditional uses to support and stimulate healing. They have a wide range of services including physical exams, testing, bloodwork, botanical medicines, nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, lifestyle counselling and more. A licensed naturopathic doctor must complete a university undergraduate with pre-medical courses, four years at an accredited naturopathic medical program, clinical hours, and pass the provincial/national board exams in order to practice. All of our Naturopathic Doctors are registered and in good standing.

Meet your naturopathic doctors

  • Dr. Samantha Sapi, ND

    Dr. Samantha Sapi, ND

    Digestive Support, Women’s Health, Pediatrics

  • Dr. John Pesengco, ND

    Pain Mangement, Sports Medicine, Men’s Health & Vitamin Injection Therapy

  • Dr. Victoria Forster, ND

    Fertility and Women’s Health Support

  • Dr. Anne-Marie LaCroix, ND

    Desiccated Thyroid and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement